Saturday, August 27, 2016

Conflict and Suspense In Literature

Creating conflict and suspense in your stories can be hard work. One author stated: "It takes 10% talent and 90% hard work to create conflict and suspense...". If that is the case, then we'd better role up our sleeves and get to work.

It begins with grammar. How we use our words. When writing a scene needing a fast pace, the sentences need to be short and clipped. If you write in lazy sentences that are long and flowing, the reader will relax and not feel the tension. For example:

He walked into the dark room and saw blood pooled on the floor.


The room was dark. He edged forward. Blood glistened in a pool in front of him.

Which do you prefer? One is plain and straightforward and rather bland. The other gives more tension and the character edges into the room.

It takes more effort and hard work to create tension. What I do is first write what I want to portray and then take it apart to re-create the best scene possible. How do you create tension and suspense? Please share your thoughts with us.

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Tech-Whiz Day

Being a writer, I do a lot of reading in my spare time. Because of this, I decided to do myself a favor and invest in a Kindle Fire to do my reading on. I've been able to carry a whole library around with me as I go about my day. Not only will I have my entertainment with me, but I have reference books and the internet where wireless is available.

But when I'm at home, I like to wrap my hands around the pages of a real book where I can dog-ear the pages or flip back and forth or even ( heaven forbid) underline passages. You can't do this  with an electronic device.

Which do you prefer? Book or electronic device? Are you a tech whiz or do you love the rough feel of paper pages?

I tried to put a picture here, but it was rejected! So much for MY technological ideas!